Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
Sometimes we take for granted the elements that help keep our bodies functioning efficiently. How we stay alert and aware of our surroundings, how we process food to produce muscle and tendons and strong bones! It’s hard to comprehend sometimes how they all can simultaneously work…but our minds can only pay attention to one thing at a time.
Vitamin B12 is one of those elements that strengthens our nervous system and matures our red blood cells to work efficiently within the whole body!
It’s best to first get a blood test and seek health advice from your doctor and/or dietitian before supplementing vitamins and minerals.
We offer IV Infusions and IM Injections if your doctor advises it to be beneficial for yourself.
What is Cobalamin (B12)?
Vitamin B12, as it is mostly referred to, is a critical molecule for our overall health.
B12 is a cofactor in DNA synthesis in both fatty acid and amino acid metabolism, it plays an important role in the normal functioning of the nervous system via its role in the synthesis of myelin, and plays a significant role in maturation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.
Just reading this give you a sense of what could happen if you are not sufficient in B12.
Symptoms of Low B12
At levels only slightly lower than normal, a range of symptoms such as feeling tired and weak, feeling like you may faint, difficulty walking (staggering balance problems), depression, poor memory, poor reflexes, confusion, breathlessness, headaches, and pale skin, feeling abnormal sensations, weakened immunity, reduced fertility and interruption of blood circulation in women may occur.
These can be just the warning signs before leading to more serious issues such as anaemia (decreased number of red blood cells, haemoglobin in the blood, or lowered ability to carry oxygen by the blood).
Consuming B12
You can obtain Vitamin B12 by consuming these foods: clams, mussels, crab, salmon, beef, chicken, eggs (whole), and milk.
If you are vegetarian, vegan, or can’t get enough of the foods listed above, you can refer to supplements.
We offer Intravenous Infusions as well as Intramuscular Injections to receive a quick, effective, and a sufficient dose for the body.