Our Dermal therapists are of course university trained, having completed a Bachelor of Science in Dermal Science. You can be confident that our staff don’t guess what might work and hope for the best but their 4 years university training purely on the skin can give you the correct treatments and right advice to get the best results to address your concerns

From a deep pore clean out to removing environmental pollutants to treatments for inflammation or sensitive skins, our team at Cave X is here to help. Be assured that we have all the leading products and devices for treating most skin conditions and improving overall skin health. As you may know, the skin is the largest organ the body has and has a multitude of functions. Any imbalance in this organ can cause men a variety of issues and lead to premature ageing.

At Cave X we always start with an in-depth questionnaire during the consultation and take images using a specialised camera to look deep into the dermal layers of your skin. The initial consultation insures that we are not guessing but can positively identify the cause of your concern and give you all the best options to address the issue. At Cave X, all patients are required to undergo a consultation before we proceed with any laser or skin treatment.

The Skin Consultation takes around an hour and we subsidise it to insure that it is affordable so all patients can be given the best selection of treatments. Depending on the individual concerns you have, the consultation may include cleansing, product testing, laser test patching, and even a treatment to assess how your skin reacts.

Regarding which treatment is right for you, there are many factors that influence the best course of treatment. These may include to name a few, availability for repeat treatments, ability to have downtime following treatment, budget, lifestyle and your overall skin health.

Sometimes it may just be some topical skin supplements that are required or just a change in your current routine with no further treatments required. Unlike most other clinics, at Cave X our policy is that our staff do not have sales targets to meet. This way you can be confident that you will get the correct advice and that the person treating you is not motivated by having a target to meet. They will be out to offer correct advice for what is best for you.

The cost of the skin consultation is $50, then Skin treatments are charged at $150 per 30 minutes with any required products for home treatment additional. Your Dermal therapist will outline the expected cost of treatments with you so together you can find the right course of treatment for you and your lifestyle. There is no obligation to continue with any treatments following your consultation but the advice that is offered might change the future of your skin and increase your confidence to take more out of life.