Red With Rosacea
It can be disheartening, off-putting, and even embarrassing for some, to have a continuously red, flushed appearance spread over the face. We’ve even heard some men say that they didn’t know it was an official skin condition and dismissed the idea that it could be treated, believing it was just an unfortunate genetic make up that can not be managed to reduce inflammation.
Pharmacies promise the world with topical creams that will reduce inflammation of Rosacea. Only for you to be disappointed that they only reduce the redness for a short period of time and not help solve the root cause of the skin condition. Most women use make-up to cover the inflammation, but unfortunately with some of us men who are labourers, don’t wear make up and are constantly exposed to the harsh pollutants and chemicals at the work place.
Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that typically affects the face with symptoms such as redness, pimples, swelling, and small and superficial dilated blood vessels.
The most often affected areas are the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin. Flare-ups can occur and vary from person to person with each having different triggers. Some triggers may be spicy foods, particular beverages, hot and dry environments, sometimes cold environments and stress.
At CAVE X, our skin therapists take you through a personalised treatment program alongside a homecare system to achieve maximum results of managing your Rosacea.
A treatment program to calm the skin and reduce inflammation may include Hydrating Masks and LED Light treatments. Once your skin’s barrier has built up, the program may include advanced treatments including Laser Genesis and Laser Limelight (IPL) to reduce redness and dilated blood vessels.
Along with the in-clinic treatments, our skin therapists will provide products customised to your sensitive skin that, consistently used daily (or as prescribed by your skin therapist), will provide efficient long-lasting results.
So don’t lose hope! There are treatments to help manage rosacea and the unsettling inflammation flare-ups that come with rosacea.