Skin Cancer Checks
When was the last time you had your skin checked?
Australia has one of the highest rates of Skin Cancer in the world, thanks to our sunny climate, lifestyle and genetics. In fact, skin cancers in our country count for around 80% of diagnosed cancers! The good news is the survival rate is high when skin cancer is detected early…
Did you know … at Cave X our Dermoscopists are qualified with a Professional Diploma in Dermoscopy and are experienced and knowledgeable in Skin Cancer Screening!
Dermengine provides a cutting-edge platform that enables us to upload the images taken during your skin check for analysing and ongoing monitoring. If suspicious features for skin cancer are detected from your imaging, the DermEngine platform allows us to transfer your secure encrypted patient file to a skin cancer doctor for closer inspection and diagnosis. This process is seamless and quick and provides convenience when being referred to a doctor where they can easily locate the lesion and view the dermoscopic images and additional information from your skin check.
A professional skin cancer check should be integrated with your treatments at Cave X on a regular basis, or more frequently if you have a personal or family history of skin cancer.
15 minutes out of your day could save your life!
For more information on our Smart Skin Cancer Screening Services please click here